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Scheme & Syllabus 2024 Sl. No.ProgramsScheme 1 Sem Syllabus2nd Sem Syllabus3rd Sem Syllabus4th Sem Syllabus ARCHITECTURE 1Habitat DesignSchemeSyllabusSyllabusSyllabusSyllabus 2Urban DesignSchemeSyllabusSyllabusSyllabusSyllabus 3Digital Architecture SchemeSyllabusSyllabusSyllabusSyllabus 4Construction project ManagementSchemeSyllabusSyllabusSyllabusSyllabus 5Interior DesignSchemeSyllabusSyllabusSyllabusSyllabus 6Digital Heritage and Conservation 7Sustainable Human Habitat (2023) 8M.Plan (Smart City Planning) 9M.Plan (Town and Contry Planning)SchemeSyllabusSyllabusSyllabusSyllabus 10Construction and Project Management 11M.Plan(Urban and Regional Planning)Scheme 1&2 SemScheme...

B.E Scheme & Syllabus

BBA and BCA Scheme and Syllabus (2024) Sl. NoProgram TitleScheme 1st yr Syllabus2nd yr Syllabus3rd yr Syllabus4th yr Syllabus BBA/BCA Common Courses BBA157A/BCA151A ( Balake Kannada )BBA157B/BCA151B ( Samkruthika Kannada ) 1Bachelor of Business Administration SchemeAssessment DetailsSyllabus 2Bachelor of Computer ApplicationSchemeAssessment DetailsSyllabus UG Scheme and Syllabus (I&II semesters) (2022 Scheme) Stream - Wise UG Programs (Click...

Course/Subject Equivalences

Course/Subject Equivalences PLEASE NOTE In the 2018 scheme column, the equivalence subjects for old schemes (2004, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2017, etc.) are listed. In the 2022 scheme column, the equivalent subjects for the 2021 scheme subjects are listed. In the 2018–2022 scheme column, either a subject code or a code with a subject name is...