Evaluation Process and Reforms


Average number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results during the last five years

List of Programmes and date of last semester and date of declaration of results (Data Template)File Description

DVV Clarification by the University Authority


Average percentage of student complaints/grievances about evaluation against total number appeared in the examinations during the last five years




IT integration and reforms in the examination procedures and processes (continuous internal assessment and end-semester assessment) have brought in considerable improvement in examination management system of the institution .

File Description


Status of automation of Examination division along with approved Examination Manual

A. 100% automation of entire division & implementation of Examination Management System (EMS)

B. Only student registration, Hall ticket issue & Result Processing

C. Only student registration and result processing

D. Only result processing

E. Only manual methodology


A. Response: 100% automation of entire division & implementation of Examination Management System (EMS)

File Description