CIRCULAR – Registration of students admitted to Higher semesters at Constituent affiliated and Autonomous colleges for the year 2022-23.
Attachments CIRCULAR 6626Size: 39 kB
Attachments CIRCULAR 6626Size: 39 kB
Attachments CIRCULAR 06.02.2023-02062023142713Size: 2 MB
Attachments Short Term Tender Notification (e-Procurement Only)Size: 837 kB
Attachments Revised _BESize: 514 kB
Attachments Circular 6570Size: 221 kB
Attachments Notification – 6566Size: 706 kB
Attachments Notification334Size: 444 kB
Attachments Drive 20 for Tech MahindraSize: 652 kBDrive 21 for KPMG newSize: 2 MB
Attachments Academic Calendar 1st PG 2022-23Size: 809 kB
Attachments Revised notification 20590-02022023122249Size: 5 MB