CIRCULAR – 2020 M.Tech. Scheme of 3rd Semester
Attachments CIRCULAR 3867Size: 143 kB
Attachments 01. Circular_AICTE_VTU_Joint_ProgrammeSize: 443 kB02. Innovative and Design Thinking -brochureSize: 152 kB03. Basics of Electronics and Communication-brochureSize: 166 kB04. Scientific Foundation for Health-brochureSize: 150 kB
Click here to watch on YouTube
Attachments Revised CIRCULAR3866Size: 111 kB
Attachments VTU-INAE-BC_30-11-21Size: 437 kB
Attachments CircularSize: 3 MB
Attachments Notification3756Size: 38 kB
Attachments Notification3751Size: 52 kB