NOTIFICATION – Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Computer Applications effective from the academic year 2020-21
Attachments mca2021Size: 9 MB
Attachments Submission of Documents_approval CirSize: 411 kB
Attachments Ph.D_M.Sc_Integrated Dual degree Branch wise Research Scholars list ConvocationSize: 734 kB
Attachments Reduction in intake or closure CircularSize: 36 kB
Attachments AI&DS circular for feedbackSize: 33 kB
Attachments 20RMI17 Circular Syllabus 20032021Size: 3 MB
Attachments Emerging area program Revised CircularSize: 63 kB
Attachments Rev-Notification BoS ME18.03.2021Size: 784 kB