CIRCULAR – Postponement of UG Examinations scheduled on 02.08.2022
Attachments Postponement of UG ExamsSize: 2 MB
Attachments Postponement of UG ExamsSize: 2 MB
Attachments Cir_539_14_07_22Size: 522 kB
Attachments Cir_422_30_6_22Size: 400 kB
Attachments TimeTable_Jul_Aug22Size: 3 MB
Attachments Tentative_TT_Jul_Aug22Size: 4 MB
Attachments I_SemPG_TimeTable_Jun22Size: 515 kB
Attachments Cir_153_13_5_2022Size: 550 kB
Attachments Circular 21IDT19_9_5_2022Size: 273 kB
Attachments Rescheduled Examination date and timeSize: 340 kB
Attachments Cir_96_29_04_2022Size: 321 kB