Centre of Excellence






1. Data Science Techniques
The main objective is to make available high performance computing infrastructure so that students can be encouraged to work in the emerging areas of AI, Machine learning and other relevant fields.
Investigator: Dr. Rashmi R Rachh

2. VTU Center for Big data Computing (VCBDC)
VGST Funded Project K- FIST L1. VCBDC aims to provide on demand software as a services (SaaS) of big data tools to all the students of VTU PG centers and VTU affiliated colleges in phase 1 and to provide the different machine learning services over the cloud platform in phase 2.
Investigator: Dr. Rashmi R Rachh

3. Innovation Centre for Computation in Kannada Language
The Centre is supported by VGST, Govt of Karnataka and is established in the department at Belagavi Center. The centre is proposed to have infrastructure to support computation in kannada language and develop various applications for use of Kannada language. The implementation of this centre is taken up by the following faculty.
Principal Investigator: Dr .S.A Angadi
Co-PI: Mr. Vivekanandreddy