- Rs 23.85 Lakhs from AICTE/ VTU
- Rs. 2 Lakhs from VGST for Trends in Computing Research for the year 2015-16
- Rs. 2 Lakhs under TEQIP for Paradigms in Intelligent Computing for the Year 2019
Dr. Tippeswamy K
- Rs. 2 Lakhs from VGST for Application of Big Data Analytics for the year 2015-16
Dr.Rashmi Rachh
- Rs. 2 Lakhs from VGST for VTU-Cognition & Big Data Analytics for the year 2016-17
Dr. P Sandhya
- Received ” Center for Innovative and Science and Engineering Research Education”, CISEE Grant of Rs. 30 Lakhs from Vision Group of Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka, Department of IT, BT and ST, Bengaluru, Karnataka for the year 2016-17
- Title of the project: “Design and Development of a Clinical Decision Support System for medical practitioners for accurate diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Associated Cognitive dysfunction”.
Dr. R.H.Goudar
- Young Research Scientist awarded with a grant of Rs. 6 Lakhs from VGST, Karnataka for the year 2016.
- Personalized and Collaborative Learning Environment for Readable Learning Resources grant of Rs. 2 Lakhs under TEQIP-III,VTU Belagavi for the year 2019
- Rs. 2 Lakhs under TEQIP for Machine Learning for Data Science & Analytics for the Year 2020
Dr. M N Birje
- Rs. 2 Lakhs under TEQIP for Computational Methods for Big Data Analytics for the Year 2020
Mr. Yogesh T
- 5 Lakh VGST RGS collaborator
Mr. Rohit B K
- Rs. 2 Lakhs under TEQIP for Machine Learning for Data Science & Analytics for the Year 2020