
Sl. No.
Patent/ Name Title of the Patent Application No. of Patentee FiledStatus with date
1Australian Patent Dr. Sarika Raga
Smart Organic Led Farming System Based On Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Model202110362825/06/2021 Published 04/08/2021
2German Patent Dr. Sarika Raga
Smart Gloves For Measuring Pressure And Monitoring Skin Health 20202110644926/11/2021 Published
3Indian Patent Dr. T C Thanuja
Trust and Priming Based Dual Optimal Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network based Smart Agriculture 20212101791319/04/2021 Published
4Indian Patent Dr. Indumathi T S
An Efficient Rule Reliant Hybrid Approach For Risk Prediction In Pregnancy20174103030928/08/2017Published
5Indian Patent Dr. G. F. Ali Ahmed
A Smart Merchandise Shipment Frame Work202041050798 A23/11/2020Published