IT Infrastructure


Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT – enabled facilities such as LCD, smart board, Wi-Fi/LAN, audio video recording facilities .(Data for the latest completed academic year)


File Description


Institution has an IT policy, makes appropriate budgetary provision and updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi facility

File Description


Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)



Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)

A. Response: ≥1 GBPS


· ≥1 GBPS

· 500 MBPS – 1 GBPS

· 250 MBPS – 500 MBPS

· 50 MBPS – 250 MBPS

· <50 MBPS

File Description


Institution has the following Facilities for e-content development

1. Media centre

2. Audio visual centre

3. Lecture Capturing System(LCS)

4. Mixing equipments and softwares for editing


A. All of the above

B. 3 of the above

C. 2 of the above

D. 1 of the above

E. None of the above