NOTIFICATION – Academic calendar of IV semester MBA, II Semester B.Sc., IV Semester B.E/B.Tech., and (revised) VI semester B.E./B.Tech/B.Plan/B.Arch. programs of University reg
Attachments Academic CalendarSize: 101 kB
Attachments Cir_68_26_04_2022Size: 266 kB
Attachments 21EVN15-25 Cirl QBSize: 789 kB
Attachments One-Day workshopSize: 2 MB
Attachments NOTIFICATIONSize: 59 kBProposed Fee StructureSize: 55 kBREVISED_VTU LISA PC ApplicationSize: 507 kB
Attachments ELIGIBLITY list CircularSize: 185 kBELIGIBLITY listSize: 570 kB
Attachments Revised AC 1st sem 149-NotificationSize: 45 kB
Attachments NotificationSize: 269 kB
Attachments Circular125Size: 48 kB