The MBA program of VTU has carved a niche in management education in the country. The curriculum is aimed at providing graduates with the skills and competencies to fulfill management positions in the field of business administration, both in the public and private sector. The program is intended specifically to inculcate appropriate ethical values and attitudes among students to function effectively in the work environment. It also provides a right blend of managerial and business exposure to function effectively in various domains of management
The Department of Management Studies currently has an intake of 120 students. The department offers specializations in Marketing, Finance and Human Resources. However students can also choose dual specialization. The department also offers Ph.D program in Management. The department has competent and qualified staff to inspire the young students in creation of young managers and entrepreneurs. The University adopts pedagogy advanced and teaching and learning tools with excellent curriculum and advanced learning outcomes.
The Infrastructure facilities and learning resources are the key factors for creating the ambience to enhance the productivity of the staff students. The department has excellent infrastructural facilities which includes adequate class rooms with interactive boards, LCD projectors, smart podium with internet facility, air conditioned seminar halls, spacious auditorium, well equipped laboratories with sophisticated instruments, Computer Labs with internet facilities, and full – fledged Libraries. Campus wide Wi-Fi connectivity helps students and staff accessibility.
In a nut shell it is a treat to learn and grow within the realms of VTU with a fascinating experience to cherish for life time.