Tender Notifications
Attachments Document 41Size: 2 MBDocument 40Size: 2 MB
Attachments (53)3rd Party for Establishment of Studio,VTU RO MysuruSize: 471 kB(56) Supplying and carrying Electrical and air conditioning Mysuru & Computer Terminals VIAT MuddenahalliSize: 527 kB(54) Canteen VTU, BelagaviSize: 395 kB(55)Passenger Elevator,Mysuru-AMCSize: 522 kB
Attachments T-647 Tender NotificationSize: 747 kB
Attachments Tender Notification5544Size: 866 kBTender Notifications5538Size: 894 kB
Attachments Short Term Tender Notification (e-Procurement)5368Size: 862 kB
Attachments Tender Notification 5084Size: 868 kBTender Notification (e-Procurement Only) 5083Size: 867 kB