

The University of North Alabama

The University of North Alabama, located in Florence, Alabama, is one of VTU’s international partners. The university offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as business, education, and engineering. VTU students can study at the University of North Alabama for one or two semesters as part of a study abroad program. This University is also exploring the possibility of setting up its physical presence here in India at the VTU campus where our students can enroll for their programs and earn a foreign degree at an affordable cost.


New Jersey Institute of Technology

New Jersey Institute of Technology, located in Newark, New Jersey. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as engineering, science, and business. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. This university has already signed an MOU with VTU for a 2+2 program as well as 3+1+1 program apart from joint research programs as well.


Millersville University Pennsylvania

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as education, business, and science. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at Millersville University. We are yet to take it forward to the level where we discuss about the dual degree programs. However, Internships are surely a possibility.


Ghent University, Belgium

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as engineering, science, and humanities. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at Ghent University. We are trying to revive this relationship from way back in 2008. They have responded positively. We are looking at establishing a relationship for joint research collaboration at the initial stage.


Shippensburg University Pennsylvania

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as business, education, and humanities. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at Shippensburg University. We are having a talk next week to take our relationship forward.


Aarhus University Denmark

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as science, engineering, and social sciences. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at Aarhus University. The relationship is taking a slower path as the people involved were a bit busy with a Denmark Ministerial delagation. We intend to take it forward only by next month.


The University of Maryland

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as engineering, science, and humanities. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at the University of Maryland. Internships and student exchange programs are being explored.


VCU School of Business Richmond, Virginia

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as science, engineering, and social sciences. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at Aarhus University. The relationship is taking a slower path as the people involved were a bit busy with a Denmark Ministerial delagation. We intend to take it forward only by next month.


Swiss Business School Zurich, Switzerland

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in business and hospitality management. VTU students can participate in a semester or year-long exchange program at Swiss Business School. We are finalising it this week. SBS is interested in having our students for doing their MBA in Management from the Swiss Business School or a dual degree program as well.


VTU’s partnerships with these international universities provide a valuable opportunity for VTU students to gain global experience and expand their academic horizons. These partnerships also allow for international students to come and study at VTU, enriching the university’s academic and cultural diversity.

These partnerships are aimed at providing students with world-class education and preparing them for successful careers.

In addition to offering academic programs, these partnerships also facilitate joint research collaborations, internships for students, and faculty and student exchange programs. These initiatives are aimed at providing students with opportunities to gain international exposure, learn about different cultures, and develop their skills and knowledge. The faculty and student exchange programs enable students to spend a semester or more at one of our partner universities, while also allowing international students to study at VTU. This helps to broaden their perspectives and exposes them to different ways of thinking and learning.

Dual degree programs are also being offered in collaboration with our international partners. Under these programs, students can study for a part of their program at VTU and for the other part at one of our partner universities. Upon completion, they will receive a degree from both institutions, which will enhance their employability and provide them with a competitive advantage in the global job market.
Overall, VTU’s international partnerships offer students a unique opportunity to gain a global perspective, enhance their skills and knowledge, and prepare them for successful careers in a rapidly changing world.