Application Process

The application process for studying abroad can vary depending on the country and university you are applying to, but it generally consists of the following steps:

  1. Choose the university and the course you want to apply for.
  2. Check the admission requirements and deadlines for each university and the course.
  3. Gather all the necessary documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and test scores (if required).
  4. Fill out and submit the online application form for the University that you are applying for to VTU Global Campus Division.
  5. Pay the application or the necessary applicable fees.
  6. Wait for the university’s decision, which can take a few weeks.
  7. Once, accepted, VTU would communicate the same to the student.
  8. Report to VTU for the first year of your studies at VTU campus.
  9. Attend the orientation and start your studies.