Course/Subject Equivalences

Equivalence Course list (2010,2014,2015,2017 to 2018 scheme)


  1. In the 2018 scheme column, the equivalence subjects for old schemes (2004, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2017, etc.) are listed.
  2. In the 2022 scheme column, the equivalent subjects for the 2021 scheme subjects are listed.
  3. In the 2018–2022 scheme column, either a subject code or a code with a subject name is mentioned.
If equivalent subjects are not available, it is indicated in the 2018/2022 column as NO MAPPING / NO EQUIVALENCE.
Old scheme students must refer to and study the equivalent subject syllabus mentioned in the 2018 scheme to appear in upcoming examinations. Similarly, 2021 scheme students must refer to and study the syllabus of the equivalent subject listed in the 2022 scheme column for their examinations. If NO MAPPING or NO EQUIVALENCE is indicated, students must appear for their old scheme subjects during the examination.
An official notification regarding this will be issued soon and will also be mentioned in the examination timetable from the Registrar (Evaluation) office.
Slno. UG ProgramsCourse CodeOld scheme with 2018 scheme
Basic Science BoS
1I & II semesters' Common Courses Download
4Aeronautical EngineeringAEDownload
5Aerospace EngineeringASDownload
Automobile BOS
6Automobile EngineeringAUDownload
Biotechnology BoS
Chemical Engg BoS
8Petrochem EngineeringPC
9Chemical EngineeringCHDownload
Civil Engg BoS
10Civil engineeringCVDownload
11Ceramics and Cement TechnologyCC
12Construction Technology & ManagementCTDownload
13Environmental EngineeringEV
14Mining EngineeringMIDownload
CSE and Allied Branches BoS
15Computer Science & EngineeringCSDownload
16 Computer EngineeringCE
17Artificial Intelligence & Data Science AD
18Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningAI
19Computer & Communication EngineeringCM
20Computer Science & Business SystemCB
21Computer Science & DesignCG
22Computer Science & Engineering (IoT)CO
23CSE(Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)CI
24CSE(Artificial Intelligence) CA
25CSE(Cyber Security) CY
26CSE(Data Science) CD
27CSE(IoT & Cyber Security including Block Chain Technology) IC
28Data Science DS
29Information Science & EngineeringISDownload
30Computer ScienceCR
31Computer Science and Technology
32Electrical & Electronics EngineeringEEDownload
33Electronics & Communication EnggECDownload
34Electronics & Telecommunication EnggET
35Industrial IoTIO
36Electronics Engg (VLSI Design and Technology)VL
37Electronics & Communication( Advanced Communication Technology)EA
38Electronics & Computer Engineering UE
Electronics & Instrumentation Engg BoS
39Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringEIDownload
40Biomedical EngineeringBMDownload
41Medical Electronics EngineeringMLDownload
Mechanical Engineering BoS
42Agricultural Engineering AG
43Automation and Robotics AR
44Marine EngineeringMRDownload
45Mechanical & Smart Manufacturing MM
46Mechanical EngineeringMEDownload
47Mechatronics MTDownload
48Robotics & AutomationRA
49Robotics and Artificial Intelligence RI
50Energy Engineering ER
51Smart Agritech SA
52Industrial & Production EngineeringIPDownload
53Industrial Engineering & Management (Autonomous College)IM
54Manufacturing Science & Engineering (Autonomous College)MS
Textile BoS
55Silk TechnologySTDownload
56Textile TechnologyTXDownload
57COMMON Subjects 3rd to 8th semesters Download
Equivalence Course list (2021 to 2022 scheme)


  1. If equivalent subjects are not available, it will be marked as NO MAPPING / NO EQUIVALENCE. In such cases, the candidate must study the subject under the 2021 scheme.
  2. Wherever equivalent subjects are available, students must study the recommended subject under the 2022 scheme and appear for the examination.
  3. Notification & Undertaking form
  4. Revised Circular (Only 1-4 sem 2021 scheme backlogs needs to appear in 2022 scheme ‘s equivalence courses)
  5. Higher sem subjects mapped with lower sem courses regarding- Circular
StreamSl. No.UG ProgramsCodeDownload
Common Courses DownloadDownload
Basic Science & Humanities (1st year Maths)Download
Mathematics ( 3-4 sem All Branches)Download
Aeronoutical Engineering1Aeronautical EngineeringAEDownload
2Aerospace EngineeringASDownload
Automobile Board5Automobile EngineeringAUDownload
Chemical Engg6Chemical EngineeringCHDownload
14Petrochem EngineeringPC
Civil Engineering Stream1Civil engineeringCVDownload
5Mining EngineeringMIDownload
Computer Science & Engineering Stream1Computer Science & EngineeringCSDownload
2Computer EngineeringCE
3Artificial Intelligence & Data ScienceADDownload
4Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningAIDownload
5Computer & Communication EngineeringCM
6Computer Science & Business SystemCBDownload
7Computer Science & DesignCGDownload
8Computer Science & Engineering (IoT)CO
9CSE(Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)CIDownload
10CSE(Artificial Intelligence)CADownload
11CSE (Cyber Security)CY
12CSE (Data Science)CDDownload
13CSE(IoT & Cyber Security including Block Chain Technology)ICDownload
14Data ScienceDSDownload
15Information Science & EngineeringISDownload
16Computer ScienceCR
EEEE3Electrical & Electronics EngineeringEEDownload
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering2Biomedical EngineeringBMDownload
4Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringEIDownload
7Medical Electronics EngineeringML
Electronics & Communication Engineering Stream1Electronics & Communication EnggECDownload
5Electronics & Telecommunication EnggETDownload
6Industrial IoTIO
8Electronics Engg (VLSI Design and Technology)VL
9Electronics & Communication( Advanced Communication Technology)EA
10Electronics & Computer EngineeringUE
Industrial & Production Engineering7Industrial & Production EngineeringIPDownload
8Industrial Engineering & ManagementIMDownload
9Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Stream3Agreecultural EngineeringAGDownload
4Automation and RoboticsARDownload
10Marine EngineeringMRDownload
11Mechanical & Smart ManufacturingMMDownload
12Mechanical EngineeringMEDownload
15Robotics & AutomationRADownload
16Robotics and Artificial IntelligenceRIDownload
19Energy EngineeringER
20Smart AgritechSA
Textile17Silk TechnologySTDownload
18Textile TechnologyTXDownload

2018 scheme: Sample question papers